A Family Survivors Guide

Help Your Family Handle Your Affairs

While no one enjoys discussing the subject of death, it’s necessary to prepare for the unexpected. Help your loved ones with your departure by providing them with all the necessary information to handle your affairs; funeral arrangements, banking information, and the location of valuable documents. You might have this information hidden in different areas throughout your home, or placed in a lockbox that you alone can access. How are your loved ones going to track down all your documents once you’re gone, and can’t tell them where to go?

A Family Survivors Guide

Make things easy for your family by completing our A Family Survivors Guide. Our checklist includes:

  • Necessary instructions and information that explains our questionnaire
  • Listing the executor of your will
  • Questions that direct your loved ones to your banking information
  • A place to list any funeral requests or people who need to be contacted
  • A place to provide the location to all your important documents and valuables


With our guide, you’ll never have to worry about your loved ones struggling to settle your affairs, and will make your parting more manageable for everyone.