Kernersville Child Support Lawyer

Every parent has a financial responsibility to their children.

This responsibility can be enforced when the parents of a child are unmarried through state and federal child support laws.

If you are dealing with a child support dispute, the guidance of a skilled family law attorney is essential. You must ensure that all factors are taken into consideration in determining the amount of child support that you are owed or that you are obligated to pay are considered. At Apple Payne Law, our attorneys are dedicated to helping families navigate life’s important decisions.

Let our Kernersville child support lawyers review your situation and help your family reach the best outcome possible.

Child Support Guidelines in Kernersville

North Carolina child support guidelines lay out numerous factors to help determine the appropriate amount of monthly child support.

Our Kernersville attorneys at Apple Payne Law will advocate for a child support order that supports the needs of the children.


The parents’ individual incomes are an important factor in determining child support. The guidelines calculate a parent’s child support obligation based on the gross income of both parents. Gross income includes money from many sources, such as wages, pensions, or even severance pay.

Courts will also consider any payments made towards health insurance, child care costs, and each parent’s responsibilities to other children (if applicable).


The court will also account for the child custody arrangement that the parties have in making a determination about a child support obligation. A parent without physical custody of a child will pay support to the custodial parent. However, a parent who has joint custody of a child will likely pay less than a parent who has no custodial rights.

North Carolina child support guidelines contemplate that as a parent approaches true joint (or equal) custody, that parent’s child support obligation will decrease accordingly. There are additional calculations during split custody, which occurs when one parent has custody of one child while a different parent has custody of another.

How Is Child Support Calculated in North Carolina?

Once income and custody are determined, a worksheet is available that will provide a recommended obligation for child support payments.

This number can be modified depending on additional needs for a child, like specialized medical care or other extraordinary expenses.

Challenging the Child Support Guidelines

The guidelines enacted by the state provide for a set amount of child support under the circumstances. However, both parents have the right to challenge the child support determination made using these guidelines, and an experienced child support lawyer at Apple Payne Law in Kernersville could help.

There are cases in which child support may be calculated outside of North Carolina child support guidelines. These cases include situations where the parents have a high gross combined income, where one parent’s child support obligation exceeds a reasonable amount; or where a child has high extraordinary expenses related to their health or well-being.

Contact a Kernersville Child Support Attorney for More Information

Wondering if you’ll have to pay child support? Need help enforcing an existing child support order? We’re here to help.

Child support obligations can have a significant financial impact on your life and the lives of your children.

Given the stakes, it is important to fight for a fair outcome.

Our Kernersville child support lawyers at Apple Payne Law will advocate on your behalf in your child support case. Reach out today for an initial consultation.

FAQ: Kernersville Child Support

Can I withhold visitation if the other parent is not paying child support?

No. You can’t withhold visitation if the other parent isn’t paying child support. Child support orders do not affect the custody agreement. Instead, you should consult our child support enforcement lawyers to get help enforcing the order.

Can the non-custodial parent get support payments?

Generally, no. Non-custodial parents can certainly open a child support case. But since custodial parents typically financially support their children more, it’s unlikely that they would win the case.

What if I don’t agree with the child support amount?

If you don’t agree with the child support amount, you can challenge it with the help of a skilled North Carolina child support attorney.

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