Kernersville Elder Law Attorney

As we grow older, the likelihood of more frequent, serious medical issues increases dramatically. Many elderly people ultimately require long-term medical care. Others are unable to make important decisions regarding their finances or health on their own. These individuals require assistance, and preparing for these circumstances ahead of time could be in the best interest of everyone involved.

A Kernersville elder law attorney could provide that help. From developing an estate plan to ensuring arrangements for long-term care have been made, a seasoned estate planning professional at Apple Payne Law can provide valuable guidance on these matters. Our team is dedicated to helping families navigate life’s important decisions. Let us help you take the next step toward a bright future.

Developing an Estate Plan

Developing an estate plan is important for people of all ages. For older individuals, the need for a viable estate plan could be more pressing. An elder law attorney in Kernersville could develop an appropriate estate plan that meets a specific individual’s needs.

The building block for many estate plans is a last will and testament. This legal document provides an elderly individual with the ability to ensure their property is distributed as they see fit after their passing. That said, a last will and testament is only one of the tools that could be used in an estate plan. Some of the other options that might be available include:

  • Irrevocable trusts
  • Life insurance policies
  • Payable-on-death accounts
  • Living wills
  • Medical directives

Determining the right estate planning tool for the occasion is one of the critical roles a lawyer can fill during this process. One of the many reasons for a trust is that rather than updating every life insurance policy, bank account, investment/brokerage accounts and all other items with a beneficiary, the trust becomes the beneficiary of everything, and then you only need update the trust as your wishes grow and change.

Assisting with Health Planning

One of the most significant ways an elder law attorney at Apple Payne Law can help is by allowing an older individual in Kernersville to take control of their current and future healthcare. Through proper planning, it could be possible to ensure every important medical need is net.

Medical Directives

Medical directives are tools that ensure an elderly individual has their wishes regarding their medical treatment respected should they become incapacitated. These legal documents come in different forms depending on a particular person’s goal.

An advanced healthcare directive (also called a “living will”, “do-not-resuscitate” or “DNR”) is an important medical directive. This document gives an individual the opportunity to make certain decisions about their end of life care should they become incapacitated. The person’s family, health care agent(s) and doctor(s) are all required to follow these directions, but it is particularly helpful to have it planned for and spelled out so the person’s wishes are clear to all.

Another example of a medical directive is a health care power of attorney. This document puts a third party in control of an individual’s medical care should they become incapacitated.

Long-Term Care Planning

Planning for long-term care is a part of estate planning that is often overlooked. Many people require long-term care at the end of their life, either at home or in a residential facility. Planning for the cost of this care ahead of time is vital.

Long-term care can be expensive. In order to ensure it is financially within reach, it may be necessary to rely on the benefits available through Medicaid. Medicaid is a program intended for low-income individuals, so it is crucial to plan in advance to help a senior qualify for its allowances.

Reach Out to a Kernersville Elder Law Attorney

There are many steps that go into planning for the future care of an elderly individual. It is also never too early to make these important decisions for yourself.

Before you consider developing a plan on your own, allow a Kernersville elder law attorney to help guide you through the process. Call right away for a confidential consultation with one of our dedicated lawyers at Apple Payne Law.

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