Going into business on your own can be frightening and intimidating; you may believe it is cost-prohibitive, or that you lack the knowledge or experience to succeed. If these concerns have kept you from starting your business, a partnership may be the best fit for you, as partners share both the responsibilities and benefits of a new business and can work together towards a common goal.
Central to any partnership is a partnership agreement which clarifies partners’ company rights, specific duties, authority to take profits or withdraw funds, and who is responsible if there is a lack of funds. A Kernersville partnership agreement lawyer with Apple Payne Law is ready to help new businesspeople craft these essential documents and properly register their Partnership with the State. Allow the experienced business formation attorneys at Apple Payne Law to assist you in taking this exciting new career step.
Most partners enter business together with the best of intentions; the best way preserve and safeguard these intentions is by protecting each of each party’s business rights by crafting thorough and detailed partnership agreements.
Partnership agreements function as contracts between all partners in the business and may contain provisions concerning the rights and obligations of all partners. Common topics to cover in partnership agreements include:
The final draft partnership agreement is the sole legal document determining the rights of all partners. The knowledgeable team of partnership agreement attorneys at Apple Payne Law in Kernersville are prepared to help small businesses negotiate and draft these essential contracts to start their partnership today.
Unfortunately, partners may face conflict while running their business. These disagreements may arise concerning the outlay of money, the roles of partners in running daily operations, and other similar disputes. Regardless of the exact nature of the argument, the partnership agreement language is the sole legal means of determining all parties’ rights.
The well-practiced partnership agreement attorneys at Apple Payne Law can help partners resolve these disputes and work toward a negotiated settlement that may involve an exchange of funds or modification of the partners’ existing agreement. Other situations may require asking a local civil court to intervene and determine the final rights of all parties; but be aware that North Carolina General Statute § 1-52 restricts such claims to within three years from the date of breach.
Because of this legislative requirement, it is important to speak with a diligent attorney as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected. Whether you are a partner looking to enforce the terms of your partnership agreement or wanting to know whether your partnership agreements justifies your decisions, the dedicated legal professionals at Apple Payne Law in Kernersville are ready to help.
Everyone who chooses a partnership for business collaborations should have a comprehensive partnership agreement in place. This contract is the sole means of determining the rights and obligations of all members of the business and may even outline the potential remedies in the event of a breach. Because of the significance and legal implications of this document, it is vital to have assistance from a seasoned attorney during the negotiation, formation, and potential enforcement of these agreements.
A Kernersville partnership agreement lawyer is prepared to guide you every step of the way throughout the legal process. Whether you are looking to initiate a new partnership and need a new contract or believe that a potential breach has occurred, they are ready to protect your rights. Speak with an accomplished legal professional at Apple Payne Law now to schedule your appointment.