Kernersville Driving without a License

If you head out the door for work early in the morning and happen to leave your wallet or purse at home, it’s usually no big deal. But what happens if you get pulled over, and you can’t show your driver’s license to an officer? Driving without a license isn’t a serious offense that results in jail time or major legal charges, but every case is different. It’s important to prepare accordingly, which means hiring an attorney who can provide sound legal knowledge when you need it.

Depending on your driving record, there are a variety of scenarios that could play out in court. If you’re worried about what happens next, Apple Payne Law would be happy to assist you. Our Kernersville driving without a license lawyers have experience working on traffic court cases of this nature and can provide you with proper counsel according to your case.

What Happens if You’re Caught Driving without a License in Kernersville?

Your driver’s license might seem like another piece of documentation that sits in your wallet, often forgotten about, but your license is actually a very important piece of information that should be carried on your person at all times. If you are caught driving a motor vehicle without a license, there are a few possible scenarios that could occur.

Driving without your license in possession

If you’re charged with driving without a license, this is a minor traffic violation. If you have an operating license and a clear traffic history, this misdemeanor can likely be cleared up. The penalty for driving without a license in possession involves court fees and fines.

Driving on a suspended or revoked license

It’s important to remember driving is a privilege. If you have experienced previous traffic tickets or major offenses and were caught driving with a license on suspension or revocation, then you could be facing more serious legal consequences, including longer suspensions or a permanent revocation (which can be a 2-3 year minimum depending on your offenses).

Driving without a valid license

If you are driving on an expired license, or you have resided in the state but have yet to obtain a new one, this is a minor violation that will likely result in court fines. You’ll need to get a valid driver’s license quickly afterward.

Driving under the influence

Our team does not handle DUI or DWI traffic cases. However, this usually results in driver’s license suspension or other legal charges. If you need a referral, we work with several quality DUI/DWI attorneys who focus on this area and can help get you back on the road safely.

Work with a Kernersville Attorney if You Were Found Driving without a License

Some of these offenses are considered class 2 misdemeanors, while others are more serious. In order to protect yourself, it’s best to seek out legal counsel who will fairly represent you in your case. If you need help with your traffic court case, get in touch with a Kernersville driving without a license lawyer.

Contact Us For More Information and To Schedule a Consultation

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