What are three things you can do at your family law console to help you get the most out of it?
Hey there, my name is Ron Payne. I’m the CEO, and managing partner here at Apple Payne Law in Kernersville, North Carolina, and I just wanted to share with you three quick things to really help you get the most out of your family law consultation.
First, bring a short timeline of events. If you haven’t written it all down, we highly encourage you to take a journal and write down major things as they happen. For example, if there’s big fights, or just disagreements, or if they’ve moved out of the house, or if police were called out. That sort of thing is really helpful to know. That way we can help know kind of where we are in the process, if anything’s been filed yet, etc.
Secondly, make a list of names. We need to know everybody who’s involved in this. We, of course, will ask you a lot of that on the phone before you come in. But if you can write down their names, ages, addresses, or phone numbers, that kind of thing, it’s helpful for us.
One, we would like to know who we’re working with. And it’s good to know, because we’d like to call your family members by their names. And it helps us also, as you tell your story, know kind of who’s involved in and where they are, because the names do all sometimes run together for us. And we need to know your kids’ names, your grandparents names, if there’s any secret lovers, you know, that kind of thing.
Just let us know what’s going on and that way we can help.
And then lastly, but probably most importantly, bring a list of your questions. We can tell you all day long about family law and what’s going to happen with your case. But what we really want to know is, what are your biggest fears? What are your biggest worries? What’s keeping you awake at night?
We excel at taking that off of your chest so that we can help make sure that your needs are met and that your case is taken care of. And helping us know what your biggest concerns are from the outset is a great way to make sure that we’re the right attorney for you too. That also means that as we go along, we’re meeting your core needs.
Being in a family law attorney-client relationship is a stressful one because you know, almost always nobody asked for this. They didn’t want it. They don’t really want to be seeing us. So having those three things will help us help you get the most out of your consultation when you come meet with us.
If you’d like to set up a consultation with Apple Payne Law here in Kernersville. We handle any family law cases in Forsyth County, and we handle uncontested cases like things that aren’t going to court in Guilford County as well.
You can call us at (336) 281-6928 or schedule a consultation online. And last but not least certainly like and subscribe to us on YouTube for helpful legal tips.
Hope this has been helpful and have a great day!