Kernersville High-Asset Divorce Lawyer

Disputes over ownership of marital property are common in divorce cases. However, they can be especially difficult when the spouses share substantial assets. These high-asset divorce cases are often contentious, requiring the guidance of a skilled divorce lawyer.

If you are facing the prospect of divorce, it is important to protect your current and future financial standing. An unfavorable court decision could leave you with far less than you deserve. You do not have to fight for a fair outcome in your divorce case on your own. The right legal counsel could provide you with the best chance for success. At Apple Payne Law, we are dedicated to helping families navigate life’s important decisions. Let our Kernersville high-asset divorce lawyer serve as your advocate during this sensitive time.

Important Steps to Take Before a High-Asset Divorce

High-asset divorce cases can be contentious, and an unfair ruling in court could place a spouse at financial risk moving forward. Given the high stakes, it is crucial to have the guidance of a Kernersville high-asset divorce attorney with Apple Payne Law by your side in these situations.

It is critical to carefully inventory all property before divorce. This includes photographing and documenting physical assets. You should also keep copies of documents related to these assets, such as deeds or retirement account details.

In some cases, it might be necessary to trace the source of specific assets. For example, anything a spouse receives as an inheritance could be exempt from division during a divorce case.

Finally, it is important to not only know the value of these assets but also to have verification of their worth. This often involves having items appraised. In high-asset divorces, it could take some work to find adequate appraisers for rare assets. An Apple Payne attorney can assist with finding the necessary experts for your case.

What if Assets are Hidden?

The unfortunate reality in some high-asset divorces is that the other spouse is less than truthful about their financial situation. When someone suspects their spouse is hiding assets to avoid losing them in the divorce, there are steps that can be taken by a Kernersville high-asset divorce attorney.

One of these steps involves seeking out the guidance of a forensic accountant, a process an attorney could guide you through. These specialists can carefully analyze financial records like bank accounts, credit card statements, and tax returns. Through their expert analysis, they could identify discrepancies that point to hidden marital assets.

Finding hidden assets can affect more than just ensuring a fair property distribution. There are serious consequences for hiding assets and lying to the court, and a judge could choose to sanction a spouse that does not comply.

Reach out to a Kernersville High-Asset Divorce Attorney Today

Divorce is never easy, but conflicts can become especially difficult when the stakes are high. Married couples with significant marital assets often face conflict when they divorce, and the process can be long and drawn-out.

Now is the time to protect yourself. Reach out to a Kernersville high-asset divorce lawyer right away.