Kernersville Father’s Rights Lawyer

There is a common misconception that fathers in Kernersville lack certain rights that mothers have by default. The reality is that when it comes to issues of child support, custody, and visitation, each parent has equal rights under the law in most situations. In order to protect those rights, a father should confer with a skilled family law attorney.

If you believe your rights as a father are at risk, now is the time to seek out counsel. An unfavorable decision from the courts could affect your relationship with your children for the rest of your life. Give yourself a chance for a fair outcome by discussing your case with a Kernersville father’s rights lawyer with Apple Payne Law. Our family lawyers are standing by to provide the assistance you need with your case.

Married and Unmarried Fathers’ Rights

The law does not give mothers preferential treatment over fathers. However, it is important to note that unmarried fathers must establish paternity before they have any rights to a minor child.

There are different ways to establish paternity. If the mother and father agree, then they can acknowledge the father on the birth certificate. This type of voluntary establishment of paternity is the simplest way for an unmarried father to secure their rights. When this is not an option, a father must petition the court and seek a formal declaration of paternity. This is typically done through a court-mandated DNA test.

Married fathers do not face these same challenges. There is a presumption under the law that a man married to the mother of a child at the time of the child’s birth is the father. In most cases, this is enough to establish parental rights.

In either situation, it is helpful to seek guidance from experienced legal counsel. A Kernersville father’s rights attorney with Apple Payne Law can explain of the options available to married or unmarried fathers.

Custody Rights

For many years, courts in Kernersville followed the “Tender Years Doctrine.” This doctrine held that especially young children were better off in the care of their mother. This gave the mother unreasonable advantages in custody and visitation cases. The law has since moved away from this doctrine, placing mothers and fathers on equal footing when it comes to custody of their children.

Under the current law, the primary consideration of the courts is the best interest of the child. If a judge determines that custody or visitation rights for the father would be in the child’s best interest, they are required to award such rights. A Kernersville lawyer knowledgeable about father’s rights can further explain the nuances of the law and how they might apply.

The Right to Seek Modifications

Both mothers and fathers are obligated to provide financially for their children, whether they have custody rights or not. Accordingly, fathers must meet the terms of a child support order. However, major life changes could leave a father unable to pay what they have been ordered to. Changes in custody could even entitle a father to pursue support from the mother.

It is important to recognize that courts have the power to modify the terms of a support order when necessary. A Kernersville father’s rights attorney can help with the modification of a child support order in the instance of a father’s change in circumstance.

Contact a Kernersville Father’s Rights Attorney Today

You can only maintain your rights as a parent if you enforce them. With a dedicated attorney’s help, you can fight for your rights regarding child support, custody, visitation, and more. Call a Kernersville father’s rights lawyer at Apple Payne Law to learn more about what we can do for you.