Custody battles can be one of the most challenging and emotional issues a family may face. When a couple separates or gets a divorce, both parents typically want to continue to have a strong relationship with their children.
However, there is a common belief that the court system tends to favor mothers when it comes to child custody.
Is this really true? Let’s take a closer look.
Ron Payne, CEO and managing partner at Apple Payne Law in Kernersville, has over a decade of experience in handling custody cases.
According to him, there used to be a maternal preference in the law in North Carolina. In other words, it was assumed that the mother would be the better caregiver for the children. This preference was based on traditional gender roles, where the mother would take care of the children while the father worked outside the home.
However, things have changed over time. The default custody provisions in North Carolina are now 50/50. This means that both parents will get approximately equal custody time. The arrangement can vary, depending on the schedules of the parents, and the court can be flexible with the arrangements.
Ron Payne notes that the courts can be pretty creative with child custody arrangements. The main goal is to ensure that the best interests of the children are met.
This means that if a parent wants to see their children more than every other weekend, they have the right to request more custody time. The court will consider the request and make a decision based on what is best for the children.
If you’re being told that every other weekend is all you’re going to get, don’t accept that as the final decision. Whether you’re the mother or father, you have the right to seek more custodial time with your children.
Ron Payne, who is both a father and an attorney, strongly advises parents not to settle for less. He understands that your children love you and want to spend time with you. As such, he encourages parents to fight for their right to have a strong relationship with their children.
While there used to be a maternal preference in North Carolina that is no longer the case. The default custody provisions are now 50/50, and the court can be flexible with custody arrangements to ensure the best interests of the children are met.
Parents who want more visitation with their children have the right to request it, and an attorney can help advocate for their rights. So, don’t accept less and fight for your right to have a strong relationship with your children.
If you’re having trouble getting the custody arrangement you want, it’s best to seek the help of an experienced attorney. At Apple Payne Law, our team can help you present your case to the judge and advocate for your rights as a parent. We understand that the most important thing is to ensure that the best interests of the children are met. The team offers low-cost consultations for family law and is happy to help you navigate this challenging time.
Call today to schedule yours.